Ph.D. in Finance

Ph.D. in Finance

An international reputation for academic excellence

电子游戏软件的金融教师都是各自领域的专家,他们的学术成就享誉全球, research, and mentorship. In our collegial environment, 学生通常相互合作,并与教师进行开创性的电子游戏正规平台.

The academic program begins with systematic, rigorous training in quantitative methods, economics, and finance. In addition, students complete a major research project, serve as research and teaching assistants, and write a doctoral dissertation.

电子游戏软件金融专业的博士生完成了一项电子游戏正规平台计划,该计划将在三个方面培养他们的能力, economics, and finance. The program begins with course work in quantitative methods, economics, and finance. In the third year, 学生完成一个主要的电子游戏正规平台项目,旨在培养他们进行原创性电子游戏正规平台的能力. 通过作为助教的实践经验,学生获得了重要的教学经验. Finally, each student completes a doctoral dissertation that contributes substantial, original work to the field of finance.


学生必须完成三个方面的学习项目:定量方法, economics and finance. 学习计划的要求通常通过在计划的前两年完成14门课程来满足. In some cases, 在进入课程之前的课程作业或豁免考试的成功表现可以代替必修课程. However, each student must complete a minimum of 12 courses while in the Program.

Comprehensive Examination

在综合考试中取得令人满意的成绩标志着学生从课程作业过渡到全职论文电子游戏正规平台. 考试的目的是让学生展示金融和经济学的文献和理论的实质性知识,以及在定量方法领域的能力. The examination consists of two steps.

  • Step 1: Students take an exam at the end of the second year in the program (late May). The exam covers all Finance Ph.D. classes taken during the first and the second year in the program. Whereas some of the questions will be specific and will test a particular topic, other questions will focus on broader understanding of the literature. 每个学生的考试成绩将在评分后立即得到通知. There will be no second attempt to take the exam. If a student fails the exam, the only way to get admitted into “Ph.D. candidacy” would be to perform exceptionally well in Step 2.
  • Step 2: 学生在项目的第二年夏季结束时(8月下旬)向他们的指导教师提交独立的电子游戏正规平台计划. 学生在第三个秋季学期结束时(12月初)提交电子游戏正规平台论文. Ph.D. committee members will attend the presentation and will jointly evaluate the proposal. Students will be evaluated based on their performance in the exam (step 1) and the quality of research paper presentation (step 2).


Doctoral students are expected to engage early in research. The culmination of the program is the doctoral dissertation, a substantial, significant, 在由三名或三名以上教师组成的论文委员会的指导下,对该领域的原创性贡献. When the research is complete, 学生提出论文答辩研讨会,是开放给电子游戏软件社区.

Research and Teaching Assistant Requirement

Doctoral students at the Carroll School are expected to serve as research assistants, teaching assistants, and/or instructors throughout their studies. Students work for a set number of hours per week, throughout the duration of their Ph.D. programs. In exchange, the Carroll School provides financial support for doctoral students in the form of a stipend and tuition remission.

Sample Course Sequence

Course Descriptions

 Microeconomic Theory I
 Ph.D. Seminar: Advanced Topics in Capital Markets
 Microeconomic Theory II
 Econometric Methods
 Macroeconomic Theory II
 Ph.D. Seminar: Corporate Finance
 RA/TA Work
 Ph.D. Seminar: Asset Pricing
 Ph.D. Seminar: Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance
 Ph.D. Seminar: Topics in Empirical Corporate Finance
 RA/TA Work

 Ph.D. Seminar: Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing
 Ph.D. Seminar: Research Topics in Finance
 Ph.D. Seminar: Research Topics in Behavioral Finance
 RA/TA Work


 Research Paper
 Research Paper Defense
 RA/TA Work

 RA/TA Work
 RA/TA Work

 Dissertation Proposal Defense
 RA/TA Work

 Dissertation Research and Writing
 RA/TA Work

 Dissertation Research and Writing
 Dissertation Defense
 RA/TA Work

The Ph.D. 卡罗尔商学院的金融项目吸引了来自世界各地、背景各异的申请者. While notable for the diversity of their individual achievements, our students typically share a track record of leadership, a strong commitment to research and teaching, and a desire to make a difference in the world.

Note: The following information reflects data for the entering classes of 2019–2023. Updated September 25, 2023.

Class Size

YearClass Size
Overall Selectivity6%



Average Age29
Age Range23-37
International Students

Academic & Professional Profile

 Average GMAT Score
 GMAT 80th Percentile Range
 Average GRE Score 327
 GRE 80th Percentile Range
 Average Undergraduate GPA 3.69
 Average Full-Time Work Experience
 2 years
 Students Holding Master's Degree

Where do our graduates work?

Our students and recent graduates are also prolific scholars and writers, 定期在《电子游戏正规平台》(American economic Review)等顶级经济和金融期刊上发表文章, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

American University

Arizona State University

Baruch College (City University of New York)

Bocconi University

DePaul University

Fordham University

George Washington University

Indiana University


Lehigh University

Louisiana State University

Michigan State University

National University of Singapore

Texas A&M University

The College of William and Mary

University of Alberta

University of Arizona

University of Georgia

University of Minnesota

University of New South Wales

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

University of Virginia (Darden School)  

University of Hong Kong

Villanova University

Virginia Tech University

Meet Our Students

Learn more about current Ph.D. in Finance candidates.

Finance Faculty

Faculty take an active role connecting students with exceptional career opportunities. 

Ph.D. Admission FAQ


No, international students do not need to submit visa-related materials at the time of application. However, once you confirm your enrollment, Boston College’s Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) will work with you to ensure that your materials are prepared in a timely fashion to complete your visa application and I-20 appointment.


No, 在最初的申请过程中,国际学生不需要提交财务文件. Financial documents are only required for enrolled students. 在收到财务声明和证明(DCF)表格后,您需要提交您的原始财务文件.

Can I visit a Ph.D. class?

Unfortunately, we do not offer Ph.D. class visits through the Graduate Admissions Office. If you would like to gain a better understanding of our Ph.D. programs and meet with current students or faculty members, please contact the Accounting, Finance, or Organization Studies Ph.D. director.

Do I need to have an interview to be admitted into the Ph.D. program?

Interviews for the Ph.D. program are available by invitation of the Admissions Committee only.

我将从卡罗尔管理学院获得多少资金来攻读博士学位.D. program?

The current level of financial support for doctoral students is $38,000 per year in addition to full tuition remission. A student in good standing may receive this support for a maximum of five years. In return for this support, 学生在整个博士学位期间担任电子游戏正规平台和/或教学助理.D. programs.

This support is based on the fact that students are expected to devote their full energies to the Ph.D. program during the entire calendar year, not just the academic year.

How selective is the Ph.D. in Accounting program?

We aim to enroll two to four doctoral candidates each year. We receive around 75 applications to the Ph.D. in Accounting program each year. Please review our class profile to see how your scores and grades compare to those of our current students.

How selective is the Ph.D. in Finance program?

We aim to enroll four doctoral candidates each year. We receive around 150 applications to the Ph.D. in Finance program each year. Please review our class profile to see how your scores and grades compare to those of our current students.

How selective is the Ph.D. in Organization Studies program?

We aim to enroll four doctoral candidates each year. We receive around 75 applications to the Ph.D. in Organization Studies program each year. Please review our class profile to see how your scores and grades compare to those of our current students.



Application Link & Deadlines

Apply Now

Application Deadline: The deadline to apply for Fall 2024 is January 9, 2024.

Application Fee: All applicants are required to pay a nonrefundable application fee of $100 USD.

Interviews: If selected, applicants will be invited to interview in early spring.

Admission Decisions: Applications are generally reviewed after the final deadline has passed. There is no specific decision notification date for Ph.D. programs. Final decisions are typically available by mid-spring.

CV and Resume


We also require a separate Employment History, using the form provided within the online application.





所有申请者必须拥有经过认证的学院或大学的四年制学士学位. 你必须提交你曾经就读过学位授予项目的每个机构的成绩单. At the time of application, only a self-reported transcript is required but if you are admitted, 我们将要求您的学位授予机构直接发送正式成绩单. Transcripts should include:

  • Course names

  • All grades received (including transfer credits and study abroad programs)

  • Cumulative GPA

  • Degree conferral information

Graduates of non-U.S. institutions must possess a college or university degree equivalent to a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree. If admitted, 国际学生必须提交所有学历证书的官方英文翻译件, along with a third-party degree verification from an agency such as SpanTran or World Education Services (WES).

GMAT or GRE Scores

Applicants must submit GMAT or GRE scores from within the past five years. We accept both the GMAT Exam and GMAT Focus Edition. Our test codes are:

  • GMAT school code: 44x-J5-96
  • GRE school code: 3033

While Graduate Admissions does not have a preference between the GMAT or GRE, we encourage you to consult class profile data for average test scores in order to gauge where you stand.

English Proficiency

If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, 您需要在申请时提交英语语言能力考试成绩. We accept TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores. We do not accept the Duolingo English Test.

Scores must be from within the past two years, and applicants must meet the following minimum scores:

  • TOEFL, iBT, and TOEFL iBT Home Edition: 100

  • IELTS: 7.5

  • PTE: 68


  • 你已经在以英语为教学语言的机构完成了四年制学士学位或两年制硕士学位(或更高). You must have completed your degree in its entirety at the English-medium institution. 授课语言必须在你的成绩单上注明,或者在学校的官方信函中核实.

  • You have worked in a full-time, 在美国或英语为官方语言的国家获得至少两年的学位后职位. 注意:在英语不是官方语言的国家为一家用英语开展业务的公司工作,你不会有资格获得语言测试豁免. 

If you are eligible to waive the language test requirement, 您不需要事先提交豁免请求,只需继续申请即可.

Required & Optional Essays

申请人必须提交一篇必要的论文,讨论他们的电子游戏正规平台兴趣和职业目标. 您也可以提交一篇可选的文章,以解决您的候选资格尚未在申请的其他部分中涵盖的方面.


If you have any further questions, please email us at, or schedule a phone call or Zoom appointment with a member of the Graduate Admission team.

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