最初发表于 卡罗尔的资本, the print publication of the 卡罗尔管理学院 at 电子游戏软件. 点击这里阅读全文.

“商学院的一部分是在课堂上学习, 但也要向你周围的人学习,玛丽莲·埃克尔曼说, 电子游戏正规平台生项目副院长. 从在纳什维尔写歌到在阿富汗做顾问, these current and former graduate students might not be the most likely candidates for an 工商管理硕士, but their nontraditional backgrounds are creating surprising points of connection along the way.



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Olivia Klayman, 工商管理硕士的23, once had her version of a Lana Del Rey song go viral on SoundCloud. The musician says that the experience altered the trajectory of her life. She’s no stranger to shifting gears when opportunities arise—Klayman has worked in comedy clubs, 在纳什维尔签了一份歌曲创作出版合同, and had jobs at a marketing agency and a data analytics consulting firm. 攻读工商管理硕士只是最新的一章. 她说:“我不怕冒险,也不怕把赌注押在自己身上。.

对于Klayman, the ultimate draw of music is its ability to “help people not feel alone by giving them a sense of community,她说。—and she sees clear connections between being a musician, 工商管理硕士项目, 以及她在强生公司的新营销角色 & 约翰逊的医疗器械部门. “My background is in understanding others and making them feel 听到,她说。. “[Now] I’m working with devices that give people back their humanity. Songwriting is also all about giving people back their humanity and offering support.”

当她结束在电子游戏软件的学业时, 她发现她很有创造力, open-minded approach to classroom learning has been essential and that working with her peers across industries has come naturally. 毕竟, 她说, 当你剥去头衔和经历时, 我们终究只是想被人看到的人, 听到, 和重视.”



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Dewin Hernandez, 工商管理硕士/MSW '21

Engaging with communities is also a specialty for Dewin Hernandez, 工商管理硕士/MSW ’21. He used his graduate degrees to pivot from an undergraduate background in music education and music business at Berklee College of Music to his current role in Deloitte’s Government & Public Services division, working with agencies in sectors such as health and higher education.

Hernandez draws on both his academic and applied education nearly every day. 从伯克利毕业后, he worked as a music instructor at the Lawrence 社区 Works youth center and then, 在电子游戏软件读书时, 他共同创立了未来领袖倡导组织 & 咨询小组(谘询小组), a graduate student group that works to support social and racial justice initiatives at the 卡罗尔学校. Hernandez says his graduate education has served as a framework to blend“ managerial structure and how to use it [for] community building.”



科林•克拉克, 工商管理硕士的23, has approached every class with the same question: How would this apply to professional wrestling? He acknowledges that he’s likely “the only person in the room asking that question,” but his five years working on the writing team of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) have given him a unique perspective. Writing is just “one part of the engine that drives [that] billion-dollar business forward,克拉克说。. 很好奇他的工作是如何融入大局的, 为了使自己的技能多样化,他去读了工商管理硕士.

尽管WWE和商学院有很大的不同, Clark sees his 工商管理硕士 as a continuation of his professional writing career. 特别是, the program’s interdisciplinary emphasis has made him see the connections between the storylines that writers create, 电视收视率和商品销售, 以及WWE的资产负债表, 他说. 虽然他不确定他的职业生涯下一步是什么, 克拉克知道不管是什么, “business school has only enhanced my ability to do that well.”



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热爱学习, 自立的能力, and the desire to grow as a leader are essential skills that Emily Warmington, 工商管理硕士的23, 从她的教育事业中带到了卡罗尔学校. 当了11年的老师, 和从五年级到高中的学生一起工作, she’ll move into a new field after graduation and join Fidelity’s Financial Leadership Program. “领导成年人和领导年轻人是不一样的,她说。, “但同样需要(基本)技能和态度.她特别强调敏捷性和责任感.

当她回到教室时, 不是作为老师,而是作为学生, Warmington was especially interested in the 卡罗尔学校’s focus on data analytics. She shares that “making data-informed decisions was actually a big part of my experience as an educator.” The chance to combine that experience with learning more technical applications was too good to pass up.



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The widely applicable nature of data analysis is at the core of the 卡罗尔学校’s data analytics sequence for 工商管理硕士 students. 这也是24届工商管理硕士大卫·福克斯(David Fox)来到电子游戏软件的原因. 前美国海军陆战队预备役军人, Fox started his own boutique consulting firm while living in Kabul, 阿富汗. His undergraduate education in South Asian studies and Arabic as well as his connection to the country—his wife is from there—came in handy when he chose to specialize in market research and media production in 阿富汗 and nearby countries.

When he fled 阿富汗 with his wife and son in August 2021, he recognized that it was also a turning point for his career. Despite his experience with entrepreneurship, he had no formal education in business. “If there was ever a time for me to do a full-time 工商管理硕士 program,他说, “that was the time.”

福克斯知道如何收集原始数据, but he also wanted to learn how to perform the kind of rigorous analysis that he thinks is defining the future of business. His previous work provided him with “a broader perspective about the world,他说, 但工商管理硕士学位可以为他提供应用这些经验的工具, 最好在金融或银行工作. Ultimately, he credits the 卡罗尔学校 with helping him to professionally reinvent himself. “这个项目给了我第二次机会.”

Rachel Bird, 工商管理硕士 '23, is a contributing writer at the 卡罗尔管理学院.


Photography by David Paul Larson (Klayman) and Lee Pellegrini (Hernandez).